On Wednesday during questions to the Energy Secretary in Parliament, Richard welcomed the return of many Cleat Hill residents to their homes after the tragic explosion on October 19th and also placed on record his thanks to both Bedford Borough Council and the local Emergency Services who have worked tirelessly to achieve this outcome.
Commenting, Richard Fuller MP said:
Support for residents has come at an extremely high cost, however, and I have been disappointed at the wall of silence from the government in response to requests for financial support.
Significant sums have been spent accommodating displaced families and for the ongoing costs of gas monitors, which provide a degree of safety and reassurance to those returning. These should not have to be borne by the Local Authority and ultimately the local taxpayer.
Furthermore, I believe it remains of paramount importance to fully understand the extent of the gar reservoir under Cleat Hill and the surrounding area, especially as previously reported, that East West Rail plan to drill to depths of upto 40 metres as part of their project explorations. Again, the government should undertake this work rather than leave it to the Council.
Richard's full question and the Minister's reply can be watched at https://youtu.be/Dv_GdRjiiaw?si=APmm3g4ifHp1y1Vv